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1.000 €
Bucuresti 23 Apr 11:10
6.000 RON
Bucuresti 23 Apr 20:19
2.200 RON
Bucuresti 18 Apr 19:59

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Influencer, model, youtuber, actrita, remote work

2.500 €
Vrei sa fii influencer, youtuber, model, artist? Aplica gratuit pe Relatii suplimentare la telefon. Limba engleza e un avantaj, nu e obligatorie. Mai multe informatii pe website
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Detalii suplimentare
Vrei sa fii influencer, actrita, youtuber, cantareata, model, artist? Aplica gratuit pe Relatii suplimentare la telefon 0728573738

Limba engleza e un avantaj, nu e obligatorie.

Mai multe informatii pe website

Experienta nu e necesara, puteti invata.
Firme de top cauta persoane ce pot lucra de acasa ca Influencer, youtuber, model, actor, cantarete, artisti, fitness models, singers, musicians, etc.

Remote work is possible.
You can work from home, when you travel and so on.

Aplica gratuit pe Relatii suplimentare la telefon (+40) 0728573738 Experienta nu este necesara iar limba engleza e un avantaj, nu este obligatorie. Mai multe informatii pe website

Se poate lucra remote, de acasa, cand calatoriti, din orice oras si din orice tara.

Work from home, whatever your city, country or citizenship.

Stiai ca orice persoana poate sa aiba o cariera de success ca model, influencer, promoter? Inscriere gratuita la casting pe si lucreaza remote, de acasa sau participa la filmari, evenimente, lansari, etc.

Bitcoin Casting, - The easy way to make money online as model, actor, influencer, singer, other performer or as a regular person and all for free

How to get paid as a member of Bitcoin Casting registered on after you register

Bitcoin Casting brings a great free opportunity to everyone, to make money online or by participating at various events and film productions. No fees to be paid to register and to get noticed!

Even if you are a regular person you can have a career and make real money by registering for free for the next casting on whatever your age, sex, race and wherever you live as people from all countries and territories are accepted.

After Bitcoin Casting accepts your registration just follow the recommendations and you have a good chance to be accepted with the next casting.

Want to be a model, actor, influencer, singer, magician, other kind of performer and grow a carrier? Apply now to be part of the Bitcoin Casting Community so you can begin the free application process. If accepted, you will be invited to work on jobs suited to your skill-set. Access jobs that match your specialties fast!
1 vizualizari Strainatate 02 Mar 21 10:45
Anunt inactiv