E-mail (victoriazz09@mail.ru) sau WhatsApp (+30 698 9482667)📧💻📞📲
Acest uluitor LUX si NOU apartament luxos cu 3 camere (2 dormitoare) si 2 bai, cu 1 terasa panoramica mare, ofera cel mai bun mod de viata modern, cu vederi uluitoare ale centrului Bucurestiului. Situata in inima Bucurestiului, aceasta proprietate este perfecta pentru cei care cauta un stil de viata sofisticat si convenabil.
Caracteristici cheie:
✅ Spatios: 90 mp de spatiu de locuit luxos
✅ Camere: 3 camere (2 dormitoare + 1 living), 2 bai
✅Terase: 1 terasa panoramica mare cu privelisti frumoase de la etajul 9
✅ Spatiu de depozitare: 1 depozitare imensa
✅ Modern: Construita in 2024, aceasta casa are un design contemporan si finisaje de top.
✅ Vederi panoramice: Bucurati-va de vederi uimitoare ale orasului de pe terasa dumneavoastra privata.
✅ Locatie convenabila: Situata in centrul Bucurestiului, cu acces usor la magazine, restaurante si transport public.
✅ Facilitati de lux:
-⭐️ Lift: Acces usor la toate nivelurile cladirii.
-⭐️ Complet utilata: 2 bai (cu 2 dusuri, 2 cazi, masina de spalat etc.) si bucatarie (cu masina de spalat vase, cuptor, frigider etc.)
-⭐️ Aer conditionat: ramaneti confortabil pe tot parcursul anului.
-⭐️ Copertine: Protejati-va casa de soare si elemente.
-⭐️ Geam dublu: Reduceti poluarea fonica si imbunatatiti eficienta energetica.
-⭐️ Parcare: 2 locuri de parcare securizate incluse.
-⭐️ Acces pentru persoanele cu nevoi speciale: conceput pentru accesibilitate si incluziune.
Nu ratati aceasta oportunitate de a detine o bucata de paradis bucurestean!
Contactati-ne astazi pentru a programa o vizionare si pentru a va face aceasta casa de vis.📲🤙
E-mail (victoriazz09@mail.ru) or WhatsApp (+30 698 9482667) 📧💻📞📲
This stunning LUXURY and NEW 3-rooms (2-bedrooms) and 2-bathrooms luxurious flat, with 1 large panoramic terrace, offers the ultimate in modern living, with breathtaking views of central Bucharest. Located in the heart of Bucharest, this property is perfect for those seeking a sophisticated and convenient lifestyle.
Key Features:
✅ Spacious: 90 sq. meters of luxurious living space
✅ Rooms: 3 rooms (2 bedrooms + 1 living room), 2 bathrooms
✅ Terraces: 1 large panoramic terrace with the beautiful views from the 9th floor
✅ Storage Space: 1 huge storage room
✅ Modern: Built in 2024, this home boasts contemporary design and top-of-the-line finishes.
✅ Panoramic Views: Enjoy stunning views of the city from your private terrace.
✅ Convenient Location: Situated in the center of Bucharest, with easy access to shops, restaurants, and public transportation.
✅ Luxurious Amenities:
-⭐️ Lift: Easy access to all levels of the building.
-⭐️ Fully equipped: 2 bathrooms (with 2 showers, 2 bathtubs, washing machine etc.) & kitchen (with dishwasher, oven, fridge etc.)
-⭐️ Air Conditioning: Stay comfortable year-round.
-⭐️ Awnings: Protect your home from the sun and elements.
-⭐️ Double Glazing: Reduce noise pollution and improve energy efficiency.
-⭐️ Parking: 2 secure parking slots included.
-⭐️ Access for People with Special Needs: Designed for accessibility and inclusivity.
Don't Miss This Opportunity to Own a Piece of Bucharest Paradise!
Contact us today to schedule a viewing and make this dream home yours.
Pagina pe care doriti sa o accesati poate sa contina elemente care nu sunt recomandate minorilor!
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