Tunari Dinamo De inchiriat 3 Camere vila

900 €

Tunari Dinamo De inchiriat 3 Camere vila

900 €
Suprafata 87 mp Semidecomandat
Optiuni interior: Balcon
Homnest Imobiliare va propune spre inchiriere un Apartament de 3 camere ne mobilat in suprafata utila de 87 mp . Adresa propietati este str. Tunari nr. 45 Imobilul este situat central, intr-o zona sigura, linistita si selecta a Bucurestiului, cu acces rapid la statii de transport in comun, magazine si alte puncte de interes, avand si o cafenea la parter.
Apartamentul se afla la etajul 1intro vila P+1 .
Dispune de centrala proprie pentru caldura si apa calda , 2 unitati de aer conditionat.

Apartamentul are si o filamare care se poate vedea prin link-ul de mai jos:


Aceasta oferta apartine exclusiv agentiei Homnest Imobiliare. Contactati-ne cu incredere pentru consultanta imobiliara

Chiria este de 900 Eur si garantie 900 Eur
Comision Agentie : 50% din prima chirie

3 Rooms 1st floor of P+1, fully renovated | Dinamo | Tunari street

Homnest Imobiliare offers for rent a 3-room unfurnished apartment with a usable area of ​​87 sq m. The property address is Tunari street no. 45 The building is centrally located, in a safe, quiet and select area of ​​Bucharest, with quick access to public transport stations, shops and other points of interest, and also has a café on the ground floor.
The apartment is on the 1st floor of the P+1 villa.
It has its own central heating for heat and hot water, 2 air conditioning units.

The apartment also has a video that can be seen through the link below:


This offer belongs exclusively to the Homnest Imobiliare agency. Contact us with confidence for real estate consultancy

Rent is 900 Eur and guarantee 900 Eur
Agency commission: 50% of the first rent
Cod oferta: 2462071
52 vizualizari Bucuresti, 27 Mar. '25 (10:40)
Evolutia preturilor imobiliare in Mosilor-Dacia
se incarca..
<img src="https://homnest.crmrebs.com/track/15/2462071.gif" />

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